Veston Léger
French Musicians Collective



Senonches (28)
St Laurent du Mottay (49)
Arras (62)
Villenave D Ornon (33)
Decize (58)
Bolbec (76)
Montlouis Sur Loire (37)
Monnaie (37)
Aulnay Sous Bois (93)
Past events


Created in 2012 as an association, Veston Léger is – since 2016 – a collective of musicians, composers, dancers, creators of links between the public and the artists.

The goal of the collective is to promote musical creation, the diversity of influences and to present interactive and rich repertoires.

The core of the collective is composed of multi-instrumentalist musicians and composers whose musical projects radiate both in France and in Europe.

Veston Léger proposes and organizes concerts, musical shows and events but also a large choice of cultural actions.


Jonas Muel saxophone
Fabien Debellefontaine sousaphone
Amina Mezaache flutes
Simon Andrieux trombone
Maxime Barcelona guitar
Mathieu Debordes keyboards
Emmanuel Demangeon percussions

Yvan Descamps drums
Jonathan Edo percussions
Gaël Fajeau sousaphone
Yoan Fernandez guitar
Coviel Gazeilles trumpet
Fabien Girard guitar
Guillaume Marin bass

Valentin Pellet trumpet
Edash Quata vocals
Charles Saint Dizier trombone
Nicolas Sausseau trumpet
Julien Serié drums
Matthieu Torsat contrabass
Jean-Baptiste Court guitar

Cultural Actions

In addition to its musical activities, Veston Léger proposes several sociocultural and pedagogical actions, especially in its region Centre - Val de Loire.
All this in order to help the cultural development in rural and urban regions but also to share various music styles with a large public of adults and children who doesn’t always have access to concerts and musical diversity.

More infos


In 2020, the collective Veston Léger becomes a record label, in order to produce its own recordings.
Affiliated to SCPP, the collecctive is working with Inouïe Distribution so that you can find our albums in store and on all download and streaming platforms.



VESTON LÉGER est une association bénéficiaire du CAP'Asso, programme d'aide de la RÉGION CENTRE VAL DE LOIRE.
La SPEDIDAM est une société de perception et de distribution qui gère les droits des artistes interprètes en matière d’enregistrement, de diffusion et de réutilisation des prestations enregistrées.
VESTON LÉGER est membre de la fédération d'artistes pour la musique en Grands Formats.


Cléo Cojean
Administration & Production

+337 45 00 44 91

Chloé Jeantet

+336 38 37 37 93

Jonas Muel
Ultra Light Blazer - 112 Brass Band

+336 18 43 59 96

Amina Mezaache

+336 26 06 28 33

Fabien Debellefontaine
112 Brass Band

+336 88 16 67 92
